Neck Lift

Length of operation 2-5 hours, depending on the treatment plan
Anaesthesia General anaesthesia
CLINIC-stay One overnight stay
Socially acceptable After 7–10 days
Sports After 2–4 weeks
Cost Starting from CHF 12’000.–

The neck is an important aesthetic region that determines the attractiveness of the face to a considerable extent. The aging process leaves its marks on this area, through loss of elasticity, wrinkles, excess skin, or a weak definition of the jaw line. Familial disposition is frequently the cause.

We adapt the respective procedure to the individual patient by performing liposuction (the removal of excess fat), cervicoplasty (removal of excess skin), and platysmaplasty (muscle tightening). A neck lift is often done in conjunction with a facelift.

Of course we will advise you thoroughly before the surgery.

Surgery is a matter of trust - we are looking forward to welcoming you!