Activité scientifique

Exposés et présentations

Entretemps, le Dr Fischer a présenté plus que 60 exposés lors des réunions et congres internationaux et nationaux

Publications scientifiques

Evaluation of late results in breast reconstruction by latissimus dorsi flap and prosthesis implantation

I Tarantino, A Banic, T Fischer

Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2006; 117: 1387-1394


Restoration of pinch grip in ulnar nerve paralysis: Extensor carpi radialis longus to adductor pollicis and abductor pollicis longus to first dorsal interosseus tendon transfers

T Fischer, L Nagy, U Buchler

Journal of Hand Surgery (British and European Volume) 2003; 28B: 28-32


Experience in Upper Eyelid Reconstruction With the Cutler-Beard Technique

T Fischer, G Noever, M Langer, E Kammer

Annals of Plastic Surgery 2001; 47: 338-342


Die distal gestielte Suralis-Insellappenplastik zur Defektdeckung an der distalen unteren Extremitat

T Fischer, E Kammer, G Noever

Handchirurgie Mikrochirurgie Plastische Chirurgie 2001; 33: 108-112


The Radio-Radial External Fixator in the Treatment of Fractures of the Distal Radius

T Fischer, P Koch, T Saager, G.N. Kohut

Journal of Hand Surgery (British and European Volume) 1999; 24B: 604-609.